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Aymann Ismail is...
an award winning Slate Magazine staff writer, who specializes in uncovering human interest stories within national narratives, particularly focusing on identity and religion. Known for meticulous multi-media journalism, Ismail builds strong connections with interview subjects, using photography, audio recordings, and videos to capture each story's essence. Renowned for creating "Who's Afraid of Aymann Ismail?," a Slate video series, he transcends stereotypes, offering an intimate portrayal of American Muslims and their adversaries with sincerity.
Aymann also hosted "Man Up," a podcast exploring men, relationships, family, race, and sex, providing a blueprint for navigating complex emotions shaping discussions on masculinity.
Currently, Ismail is invested in exploring his trajectory into fatherhood, reflecting on how experiences as a young American Arab Muslim influence his perspectives as a parent to two young children.
You might have seen his work featured in CNN, The New York Times, NPR, GQ, Fox News, The New York Post, Adweek, The Atlantic, Columbia Journalism Review, Gawker, or The Huffington Post.
As seen on...
“We can’t afford to become an invisible minority right now. Muslims really need to be present,”
“I see our relationship as a kind of protest—both against that idea of what I expected a Muslim marriage to be, and against the anti-Muslim stereotypes in American culture.”
“I like to think we are all against the same things in America, [we] just really suck at communicating,”
“The idea was never to solve the problem about Muslims in America,” Ismail said. “It was all about trying to complicate the narrative.”